Skydance Safaris contributes all profits to a non-profit of our choice. The Community Conservation Fund – Africa NPC (CCFA) - is one of our chosen charity partners in Southern Africa.
The CCFA is a non-profit company that dedicates itself to promoting community development, re-wilding Africa's wildlife (such as cheetahs and rhino) and to the conservation of wilderness areas.
The CCFA is unique in that it works at the intersection of conservation, ecotourism and community empowerment. It is both a fundraising and grant-giving organisation, active in educating and empowering local communities in conservation areas.
CCFA SiteSkydance Safaris is proud to support the CCFA's goal of creating a conservation legacy through projects that protect the environment and wildlife, while creating sustainable partnerships with communities.
The CCFA partners with organisations, both locally and internationally, to collaborate on projects in African countries.
Together, they work towards creating a better future for both wildlife and people.
Starting in 2023, Skydance Safaris and CCFA are embarking on an exciting new journey together. Skydance Safaris participants and guest will be exposed to the CCFA and all its initiatives. This includes (but is not limited to) the Legacy Project at Nyosi Wildlife Reserve in South Africa, where unique re-wilding projects are pioneered. Here, the non-profit oversees the care of the land and ecosystems, the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity, and community-benefit partnerships.
Skydance Safaris and their guests can have a positive impact on both conservation and community development working with the CCFA. On the last day of your Skydance Safari journey, tour the nearby community where you can have a meet-and-greet with local community members. You will also receive firsthand, VIP experience on the CCFA's wildlife conservation and re-wilding efforts.
Skydance Safaris guests can have a positive impact on both conservation and community development by working with the CCFA. Join us in supporting them and other like-minded organisations. Let's make a difference in Africa's conservation efforts.